i dont know if i believe in love
i believe in cold sores, and coincidentally i believe in herpes as a by-product of passion
i believe you can pay too much for a steak dinner (steak doesn't make me feel particularly romantic or horny as much as it does full and bloated)
i believe that there's no way a dozen roses costs $100 (and roses make me sneeze)
i believe that the greeting card industry makes millions of dollars on couples but the spirits and wine industries make double in the single market
i believe chocolate is the way to my heart- but only if you are a chubby chaser will this work out in the long haul
I believe that we all want to be in love and probably need to be in love for chemical reasons in the brain (some people need this more than others)
I believe love changes as you get older
I really believe that I just need some one to believe in me and as much as I believe in them... I believe that is the definition of love
Sidecar: you might wonder how a little number like mamma got away? well, children, I ran like hell from love, and now nobody is chasing me.
Tell someone you love them. If you really do, good for you. If not, you both deserve a little nookie on valentine's day.