Thursday, January 21, 2010

on a serious note

my heart is heavy for the people of Haiti and I am amazed as I watch the continued coverage. I know it's been days and I feel like I shouldn't blog about something trivial. I don't have a lot of followers but I hope that everyone is giving what they can and realizing how lucky we all are. I am inspired and hopeful that you and I can make a difference with every $10 we can spare.

We live in a time of changing political climates and uncertainty. I am reminded that only the basics matter- I made a list of things I think are important. Please feel free to share:

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where more money is spent on education that war?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where farmers are valued more than lawyers?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where responsibility is rewarded more than greed?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where health isn't influenced by profit margins?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where health is subsidized more than auto makers?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where rights for minorities don't have to be voted on by majority?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where violence is more taboo than nudity?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where the future is more important than past grievances?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a country where we strive more to understand each other than to be understood?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where we help each other, unconditionally, not just because we are all equal but because we can?

Don't forget tomorrow night is a telethon. What you give away comes back to you someday- that's what I always like to think.

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