Thursday, June 28, 2012

welcome back, me

Life has its fair share of full circle moments. Today is one of them. Recently, a friend of mine passed away. She had been very encouraging to me and an inspiration. One day over lunch she told me I was funny and a good writer. She was a professional, and I was and continue to be a novice at best. That day I told her that I was going to pay for lunch and she didn't have to butter me up. She insisted that I had talent and I should write a book and include recipes from my family. I took her at her word because I wanted to be a good writer and I wanted her to like my words. Today she is gone. After almost a year off of writing I am taking your advice, Nora. I am getting back on the horse! I will continue writing as though I am my grandmother - giving me the unsolicited advice and opinions I never asked for. I'll also throw in some recipes. More to come.

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